HD and 4K professional video, radio and multimedia — we’ve got you covered. Video continues to be the most powerful way to communicate across any platform. Brands have found video formats highly effective in engaging users and increasing sales. Mobile video is one of the fastest growing segments in digital advertising.
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Good advertising creates engagement, emotion and retention. That takes research, strategy, and most of all, creativity. Technology and software increasingly delivers highly‐targeted and data‐driven ad buys.
PWG Media has big market newsroom, on-air, producer, shooter and assignment desk experience. PWG has been on the other side, and knows what journalists need.
Thanks, Paul! Great work and we appreciate your speediness!
Nice work, Paul. Thanks for doing such strong videos. Kudos, JD.
I totally dig it!! Good Work!!!
Paul, I watched the video this morning with my wife. She has been a practicing nurse since 1970.
Her two comments:
— “It gives the cold chills — I love it!”
— “You (meaning me) need to send this to all of our insurance / managed care companies.”
Bravo! She‘s always been my toughest critic.
I know it was a herculean effort to get the video done so well in such a short period of time. Great work! The video is great and your turnaround time on that was unbelievable, Paul. Thanks again to everyone for a job well (and quickly) done.
Thank you both. This video was an unbridled hit when I showed it to my boss. Getting such positive feedback is a significant accomplishment so, thank you for hard work and attention to detail. This will be a great addition to the meeting.
It’s a thing of beauty.